Meet the newest member of the family, "Ryan the Snowman." Yes, that's his name. We gave the girls all kinds of names to choose from, but Alyssa was adamant, the snowman's name would be Ryan. When I told her people might get confused since her Daddy's name is Ryan, she informed me that his whole name could be Ryan the Snowman. So, here he is...
Lainey actually did not help with the snowman... that might be why she was so resistant to being in this picture:
Alyssa had so much fun making a snowman that she wanted to keep building more. So she and Ryan built a "snow fox" to keep Buster company in the backyard. Believe it or not, they built it almost three days ago, and it's still standing. For once Buster didn't destroy something! (and by the way, I hate to think how much poop is mixed in with that snow - note the brown spots)