Monday, June 22, 2009

Destin Pics Part III (Thurs - Fri)

Alyssa dominating at ladder ball
and badminton!
I even got some special Lainey time!

The Sand Fortress

Way to save the book Memaw!

Aunt Kari's the winner on this day
At least the dads are looking at the camera

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Our Little Fish

Alyssa continues to amaze me this year - I think six has been the magic age for her. This is the girl who didn't want to put her face in the water last year during swimming lessons. This year, she's jumping off the diving board!

Her fans:

Softball Champions

Congrats to Alyssa's All-Star Softball team for winning the tournament!!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Destin Pics Part II (Mon - Wed)

Father & Son

Lainey the mermaid

Ryan & Beth cheesing it up

Staring Contest

2 cute girlies

Me reading again & loving it

Trying to warm up in the sun

The great kickball game - boys vs girls

The Disturbing Pictures, as requested

Ryan took this picture, don't forget to look at his face (and try not to look at Kari's chest)

I think this is the picture he was going for, although it's not much better since it looks like now his crotch is against the back of her head

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Destin Pics Part I (Fri - Sun)

Halfway there!We made it - time for some chips

Well, the bubbles were fun for at least one night
First Dinner - Pizza Night! Happy Birthday Kari!

To the Beach!
A group of stingrays
Yes, that's a shark

Something tells me Eli won't get any sunburn on his back
Kuebler Family Photo
Doran Family Photo
Alyssa teaching hula dancing lessons
Alyssa & Pepaw enjoying the pool
Looks like Memaw got the first "I just want to be with you!" from Lainey
Some relax time for me