A few months ago my sister told me about a Mudathlon that was coming to Indy. It was a 3.5 mile race with 20 obstacles, several involving mud. It sounded like fun, so I decided to sign up with her. It was awesome! We got so dirty and had so much fun! Here we are before the start of the race - still clean.
Here we are at the start line - still clean
Here's the start of the race with the first obstacle, the smoke screen, we were able to handle this one - still clean
We had been through a few obstacles at this point, including a giant mud puddle that everyone was tiptoeing around. I told Beth "forget it, let's run through it!" We did, and I totally bit it in the mud. If you look closely, I'm pretty dirty from the knees down.
I was called a cheater on this obstacle. It's not my fault that Beth decided to run over the tallest part of the hill and I (being the smart one that I am) decided to run around it :)
Our wonderful spectators
This is the last point in time we were anywhere near what I would call clean. This is because coming up was....
There were several other obstacles that Ryan wasn't able to get to - they included wading through a stream, hurdling fallen logs, climbing up muddy cliffs, climbing hay bails, climbing walls, sliding down a mud slide, and many others. Here we are at the last stretch of mud before the finish line.
Crossing the finish line
The proud finishers
I don't know why the girls wouldn't hug me!
Beth's face definitely got dirtier than mine. Maybe that's because I was splashing her during the 100 yd mud pit ;)
At least they were nice enough to hose us off afterwards. Let's just say I had mud in places that mud had no business being.