Friday, May 25, 2012

Softball, softball, and more softball

Alyssa's Blaze Team:

Miss Homerun Hitter Alaina:

Making outs all day long at first:

Alyssa's Mean Pitching Skills:

Game ball after hitting a Triple:

This may be one of the only times we get this picture.  Alaina subbed for one of Alyssa's 8U games.  That's Alaina on 2nd and Alyssa on 1st after both getting hits.

Kindergarten Picnic

Alaina had a Kindergarten Picnic on Tuesday.  She won the "Zero" Award (with candy bar) for her crazy good math skills.  She has made a lot of great friends this year!

Field Day

I love helping with Field Day each year.  This year was no different - and I got to see both girls in action - loved it!

Alaina Finally Lost Her 1st Tooth!!!

I always was the creative one...