Wednesday, October 15, 2008

NPUMC Fall Festival & Corn Maze

The girls had a great time at Memaw & Pepaw's Church at this year's Fall Festival.

Afterwards. we went to a corn maze that was open even though it was after dark. Alyssa led the way (which is scary that we were following a 5 year old). This was really fun, but I think we'll go a little earlier next year. Watching "Children of the Corn" didn't help either.

Uncle Moose and Eli being brave...

Lainey picking out a pumpkin,Eli picking out everything but a pumkin...

and I don't know what Alyssa's doing - maybe a pumpkin dance? All I know is that we better NOT get her and Uncle Moose in the same room together when he sings the pumpkin pie song.
Alyssa with her daddy

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