Thursday, March 25, 2010

Our tough little soccer player

Lainey had her first soccer practice yesterday, and she loved it! She wasn't shy at all and jumped right into practicing with the other girls. She's a quick little thing for being the smallest on the team!
I call this her "I'm about to score a goal on you" smirk.

Lainey's comment to me after her first practice was, "I'm the best player on the team!" While this wasn't exactly true, it's nice to see that self confidence isn't an issue! I have posted her soccer schedule under "Upcoming Events" on this site.


Unknown said...

Yay - when are her games? I want to come to one!

The Dorans said...

Lainey's soccer games & Alyssa's softball games are listed under the "Upcoming Events" column on the right side of this blog.