Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Fun at the zoo

Lainey & I went to the zoo last week with Aunt Kari, Eli, & Isaac. I somehow lucked out and got a picture of all 3 kids. Here, Lainey and Eli are petting a shark. Isaac's head is poking out from underneath Kari's baby sling

Here, you can see Isaac's head better

The seals/sea lions were absolutely crazy - they were a lot of fun to watch
Lainey & Eli looking for the polar bear

I would love to know what Lainey is telling Eli here


The only way I could get these two to look at me in this picture was to have them make a funny face. Hey, I'll take what I can get

Isaac had fun too - too cute!

Okay, seriously, enough with the pictures already!

Eli practicing his GQ poses for me

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