Sunday, August 9, 2009

King's Island

Last Thursday, Ryan took off a day from work and we all went to King's Island. Alyssa earned this trip by completing her summer reading & exercises sent home from school. We had a great time! Ryan and I even rode the new roller coaster Diamondback - it was intense, but we survived! The day started out a little rough for Lainey on bumper cars...

It quickly got much better though, and everyone ended up having lots of fun

Daddy and Lainey riding the little roller coaster

Alyssa and I riding the big roller coaster (previously known as the beastie, I forget what it's called now). She rode it 3 times and LOVED IT!

I'm not sure if you can see the red circles, but I tried to outline me riding the little roller coaster with Lainey (2nd to last car) and Alyssa (2nd car).

At the top of the eiffel tower

Since it's tradition, Ryan won the girls stuffed animals in a game he played

At least the prizes were little this time and they didn't have to carry around a big bear like last year! (July 2008 - Holiday World)

More cute pics:

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