Saturday, August 29, 2009

Maya & Bennett's First B-day Party

Last weekend, we went to a joint birthday party for Maya and Bennett. There were tons of family & friends which made for a super fun party.

Here's one of the birthday girls, Bennett, looking gorgeous for her big day:

Is it time for cake yet?

Here's Brett proving he's a REAL man by putting together a toy without using instructions (how'd that go for you Brett?)

Here's the other cutey birthday girl, Maya, getting lots of attention:

I think it has officially become tradition to play the "poop monster" game at these birthday parties.

Yes! Time for cake!

This cake is yummy!

Can I have a bite?

Did I mention this cake is REALLY yummy?!?

The kids were all suspiciously quiet (which is never a good thing)... so when I finally tracked them down, this is what I found...

Man, that must have been some party - Alyssa & Ethan came out of it with battle wounds

For all of those who think that they're Lainey's favorite, I've got news for you... you've got nothing on Lauren

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