Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Alyssa Day

Last Friday was "Alyssa Day" since it was her last full day before school started that I didn't have to work. So, we did everything she wanted to do (within reason). Part of the day included going to the museum where Aunt Kari and Eli met up with us. We had a great time - I still can't believe that the summer is over and school is starting already!
Alyssa is dressed up as Supergirl in this pic, and Lainey is driving the cab.

Here's Alyssa making her scariest dinosaur face

Eli still needs some work on his scary dinosaur face, although he's got the "roar" down

Lainey & Eli checking out each other's horses to make sure they like their own better


Even though he doesn't look very thrilled in this picture, Eli LOVED riding the horsey

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