Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Alyssa's First Day of School

The first day of Kindergarten has arrived. After feeling nervous and saying she wanted to stay in preschool until she was 10, Alyssa actually did great. In fact, I think she handled today better than I did! She thought riding the bus was fun and got to go on a "bear hunt" at school. So, my little girl is all grown up... nothing prepared me for the overwhelming feeling of pride and sadness I felt at the same time. I made it inside the house before I broke down. I told Lainey I missed my little girl. And, she told me "I'm still here!" She also told me to stop being sad and be happy. She does a pretty good job of cheering me up for a two year old!
Alyssa dressed and ready to go to Kindergarten
Outside waiting for the bus. Lainey is still in her night gown - hey, at least she's not naked!
The bus is here! Last hugs & kisses
There goes my little girl...
and Lainey would have gone too if I let her!

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