Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Bug Fest!

Ryan and Alyssa have gone to Bug Fest for the last two years. This year, Alaina and I got to go too. It's at Southeastway Park, and there are a bunch of different exhibits setup with different bugs. The first one we went to were the butterflies of course!

Our little prodigy studying the anatomy of a mosquito... I wonder if she even had the correct eye open.
And here are the girls studying live hissing cock roaches - I have no idea what the magnifying glasses were for, those things were HUGE!
Lainey pointed the way to the next exhibit...
The spiders! There were live tarantulas - it's no wonder why the girls look so terrified in this picture! I'm just impressed that Ryan was able to act so brave (since I know he was probably screaming on the inside). And finally, on to the crafts. I was very impressed with the amount of fun the girls had. They are typically afraid of bugs around the yard, so it's amazing how much they enjoyed Bug Fest.

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