Friday, November 28, 2008


Kari tagged me on her blog, so I think this means I'm required to provide the following information:

4 tv shows I love to watch:
1. 24
2. The Office
3. Grey's Anatomy
4. House

4 of my favorite restaurants:
1. Fazoli's
2. Olive Garden
3. Los Cucos (Texas)
4. Cafe Adobe (Texas)
5. Willie's (or maybe it was just the margaritas & hanging with the Saltsmans)

4 things that happened today:
1. The girls and I ate cinnamon toast for breakfast
2. We put up Christmas decorations
3. We went to Meijer to buy a little Christmas tree for the girls. and a woman saw us looking at them and gave us a free one she had and wasn't going to use
4. Watched Lady and the Tramp II during family movie night

4 things I'm looking forward to:
2. Our tradition of taking the girls to the zoo to see Santa
3. The Kuebler family vacation to Destin
4. Lainey being fully potty-trained

4 things on my "wish"/hope list:
1. The economy turns around
2. All family and friends stay happy & healthy
3. Run a marathon with Michelle when Lainey & Joey are in first grade
4. Lainey being at least a little potty-trained :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Alyssa Pic

Had to share this picture of Alyssa with everyone. Papaw took it last weekend and sent it to us. This is one of my all time favorite pics of Alyssa - such a pretty girl!

Here's the big pic:

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Alyssa's Field Trip

Alyssa went on a field trip to Beef & Boards to watch Snow White. I got to go too and it was really fun! The show is definitely geared towards a kid audience. Sleeping Beauty will be showing in the spring, so I may look into taking Alyssa and Lainey to that one. Here's Alyssa with a couple of her friends getting ready for the show to start:

Alyssa and I enjoying the show

Lainey's 3rd Birthday

The Birthday Girl with her new "3" shirt from Uncle Brett & Aunt Shawna
The birthday cake - Ryan and I worked very hard on this... it was hard work but worth the effort
Making a wish & blowing out the candles
Papaw & Alyssa
Mamaw & Aunt Beth with the birthday girl
Memaw & Alyssa

Lainey with her cousin Lauren

Pepaw & Chewy

Aunt Tracy & Kylie

Lainey loves her new cat

Princess Grammy & Maya
Ryan & Alyssa

Crazy Lainey with her Aunt Beth

Chewy is ready for the party to be over

Lainey, Alyssa, & Eli bonding after the party by eating chips together
The kids playing "Poop Monster" - yes that is the official name, don't ask me why, I didn't invent it

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Uncle Moose's Birthday Dance

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I watched Eli last week and decided to make them dance so that I could video tape it for my brother's birthday. I thought they did a pretty good job!

If you can't view the above video, go to the following link:

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

The girls had a great time this Halloween - I think they set a new record for how much candy they collected. Last year Lainey tired out, while Alyssa and I hit a few more houses. This year, she was able to keep up with her big sis, and was actually running from house to house. The girls dressed up as the princesses from the movie "Barbie and the Diamond Castle." Alyssa dressed up as the "pink girl" and Lainey was the "purple girl." I guess they don't remember the actual names of the characters. Anyway, here's a picture of the girls posed together outside:
For those of you who wanted a close up picture of our beautiful Lainey's face in the above photo, here you go:
Let's try this again...
Okay, I give up!
Here's a pretty picture of the "pink girl"And here's a much improved one of the "purple girl"
Our family of pumpkins
Alyssa designed this one on her own and Ryan carved it - I think it might be one of my all time favorites!

Lainey wanted a gorgeous jack o' lantern, I tried my best
Happy Halloween!