Saturday, November 15, 2008

Lainey's 3rd Birthday

The Birthday Girl with her new "3" shirt from Uncle Brett & Aunt Shawna
The birthday cake - Ryan and I worked very hard on this... it was hard work but worth the effort
Making a wish & blowing out the candles
Papaw & Alyssa
Mamaw & Aunt Beth with the birthday girl
Memaw & Alyssa

Lainey with her cousin Lauren

Pepaw & Chewy

Aunt Tracy & Kylie

Lainey loves her new cat

Princess Grammy & Maya
Ryan & Alyssa

Crazy Lainey with her Aunt Beth

Chewy is ready for the party to be over

Lainey, Alyssa, & Eli bonding after the party by eating chips together
The kids playing "Poop Monster" - yes that is the official name, don't ask me why, I didn't invent it

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