Monday, June 17, 2013

Zambia - Day 2

Woke up ready to teach today but the director had another job for me. We went to a small village with huts where a little girl, maybe 10, lived with her little brother. Her mother had passed away and her father recently abandoned them and left the area. The director wanted me to get pictures of her and her dreadfully small and shabby home/hut to post to the govt. Her home was about 3 ft by 4 ft made of straw.   Kids Alive is trying to gain custody of them so they can take them into the program. The kids spoke no English and had no education. This is the reality for most kids here in Mongu that have not had the opportunity to be taken in by Kids Alive.

Moved on and setup the computer lab for classes.  Beth and I had a morning and an afternoon session. It was neat to see some familiar faces from last year back again. They did a decent job catching on but it was obvious there was no progress since my last visit.  They were still full of excitement to learn and they were able to grasp concepts.  With more time they will become more comfortable.  The area leaders are excited to sit down with me tomorrow afternoon so I can teach them to use the new iPads that we were able to provide. It is still amazing how often they say thank you and offer thanks to God. It is wonderful to be used to glorify God which is the reason we are here. To make Him the famous one and we are simply His vessels.

The farming project is coming along nicely as the irrigation systems are starting to take shape. It was fun to watch the kids play with the dry erase boards that group brought with them as well.  The high schoolers we brought are wonderful with the kids. You can see that group of young adults have a real passion for ministry.

Look forward to what is in store for us tomorrow.

- Ryan

This one breaks my heart.  This is the girl Ryan was describing.  She looks about Alyssa's age, and she's alone raising her brother who looks about Alaina's age.  I can't imagine what she's been through at such a young age.

And this is their house

Beth, teaching computer classes

"The Professor" at work.  That was his nickname last year, I wonder if they still call him that?

Another group is doing farming work

One of the women who went is helping to teach the children


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