Thursday, June 20, 2013

Zambia - Day 5

Today was just another day teaching. It was the third day for two separate groups. We did a lot of email practice which they really liked. I also had them write me a story of what they wanted to do with their lives. Lots of good stories and dreams. All of them wanted to do something in public service which is great to see that the organization is making an impact not only on their kids' lives, but on the community as a whole. We also began to teach the advanced students how to maintain and fix the laptops.

Forgot to mention but Beth and I were ready to go back to the village from the guest house for teach yesterday and our bus wasn't there. So we decided that was a good time for our run. So we ran the mile and a half down the main street. It was a great run but boy did we get some crazy looks. Two white people running down a street in the middle of the day. We kept hearing little kids yell makooha (white person in their native language). A person in a car asked us of we needed help. It was quite entertaining. Much like last year I never felt unsafe or threatened at any time.

Tomorrow we finish teaching and begin some local site seeing.

Looks like my late night class just showed up so back to teaching I go.

Only one picture today, and it's a great one of Beth and this boy.  Can't wait to hear the story behind it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's a girl!!! That's my Nancy.