Sunday, June 3, 2012

Day 4 - Shiver & Kitty

First, we visited Bethsaida, "House of Fishermen."  The first five disciples were fishermen from Bethsaida.  This is where Jesus fed 4,000 and healed the blindman. 
Next, we visited Tel Hazor.  I took a picture from the overlook point which was created to see enemies coming when they were up to 2 days away on foot.

Next, was Tel Dan.  The Dan Springs (in picture) feed into the Jordan River.   

Next was Caesarea Philippi/Banyas.  This is part of the Golan Heights.  The Banyas Spring also feeds into the Jordan River.  This is the location where Jesus asked Peter, "Who do you say I am?"

 Nimrud was a fortress built by Muslims to guard the road to Damascus.

Finally, we went to a point in Israel where we could see Syria.  That's Syria that you see in the background.  Don't worry, we were over 100 miles away from anything crazy, although we did hear gun fire in the distance.

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