Friday, June 29, 2012


We are at the park today and it has been quite the camping trip. As I lay here I here lots of hippo calls from the river. We also hear hyena and lion calls. An elephant was spotted just outside camp. This is not a zoo. We took a boat out on the river and we saw hippos everyone. Beautiful pics and an amazing experience. Tonight we went out and saw a leopard a porcupine and some others. We leave before light in the morning to head back out.
Leaving Mongu was tough this morning. I feel like I could do so much more with more time. Who knows when people will come back to help again. The impact we have had here is great but it could be so much more. The kids came out to say goodbye. They are in good hands but they could always use more hands and better teachers. We will see what God wants of me in the future.


This next set of pictures reminds me of Ryan pushing the girls back and forth in a play car they have.  He would run back and forth until he was completely exhausted.  Yet another gift he was able to share with the children in Zambia!

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