Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Remaining Israel Pics

As promised... here are pics from days 7, 8, and 9 in Israel (not necessarily in order). 

Garden of Gethsemane

Garden Tomb.  We had a really special communion service there. 

We had a wonderful view of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives.

Pool of Bethseida

Temple Mount



By the pool at Hotel Daniel at the Dead Sea

Floating in the Dead Sea and trying not to get the salt in my eyes

It appears that my dad and I are standing up in this picture.  We are, only we're not touching the ground - just kinda bobbing in the water

En Gedi

See, we saw wild life too!

After a lot of thought, climbing Masada was probably the favorite part of my trip.  Not because I enjoyed hiking up it... but because of the accomplishment.  Now I know why the people walking down it kept telling us we were crazy on our way up!

The hard way up:

The easy way up

The view from halfway up


Beth and I climbed it with another man in our group named Ron.  It was quite the adventure!

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