Friday, June 29, 2012


Wow were the safaris amazing. The morning trip started so cold and we went pretty far away in the back of the truck. We saw an amazing pair of lions that seemed to be mates. We got many great photos and apparently stuck along too long as the lion came out and charged at us. The most amazing display of power and aggression I have ever seen. There was about 8 ft in between us and the lion when it stopped with nothing to keep it from eating us. Amazing. Such a roar. Then we continued on and saw buffalo zebra and some pukus fighting. We had a great bfast and moved on. We then saw a cheetah run down a puku and kill it right in front of us. Another amazing sight. The elephants were great to see as well. We then had a relaxing day before going back out at night to see another round of lions. Such a neat place and so relaxing sitting by the river. We leave now to go back to Lusaka. We will visit the slums and the shopping and the Lusaka orphanage. More to come. If there are two things I have learned on the trip
1 there is great need in the world
2 lions do not like humans

I also find myself having so much more patience over here. Nothing really bothers me and I go with the flow. I like the African Ryan.


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