Friday, June 1, 2012

Israel Trip - Days 1 & 2

We finally made progress on our trip to Israel.  We had a 7 hour layover in Philly, but made the most of it by playing cards & other games with each other in the airport.

We arrived at Tel Aviv around 3:15.  I only got about 2-3 hours of sleep on the plane, but at least got to see a few good movies (the new Mission Impossible movie & The Vow).  Here I am getting on the tour bus at Tel Aviv

We were on the bus for about 2 hours - so wonderful after a 10 hour flight :)
 Shivers & Kitty are still hanging in there.  They slept well on the plane.

 Here's our hotel room on Lake Galilee.

Here's a beautiful view of the lake
 And here I am with Beth
 Dinner was good.  Here's a pic of my plate.  Didn't love it, didn't hate it.  I need to take a pic of the dessert bar tonight - now that was good!

Beth, Pops, & I went for a jog after dinner.  It was beautiful weather.  Sunset was around 8:15.  We have a big day planned tomorrow.  Hopefully I can get a good internet connection and post more updates.  I had to get up at 5:30 a.m. in order to get online!  Stay tuned for more updates.

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