Sunday, June 3, 2012

Day 4 - Family Pics

Will (Shan's son) is my replacement child, since my girls aren't here with me.
 Beth and I ready to fight at Tel Hazor.

Beth and I being adventurous by walking through a bunker at Tel Dan.  By the way, we were way to big to try to fit through this, not that this stopped us!
Good view at the Nimrud Fortress.  This place was awesome with lots of ruins & secret tunnel.  There were LOTS and LOTS of stairs.

Such good looking parents.
Pops looking at an ancient... toilet.  Ewww.

The top of the Nimrud Fortress.  Unfortunately we only had 20 minutes, so our tour guide said we didn't have enough time to make it to the top.
 Challenge accepted.... and boy was the view worth it!

Tomorrow we leave our hotel at the Sea of Galilee and head towards Jerusalem.  Hopefully, I'll have internet there as well.  We're having a wonderful trip - it's going by so fast already thought!


the boy said...

Looks like a great time already!!

the boy said...

Tell Mama happy birthday!